Category: family

  • Six Freaking Months!

    Lillian is six months old! How the hell did that happen? Seriously. She is so stinking cute. It hurts our brains, the cute. She’s in love with the dogs. I mean in looooooooooove with them. Persephone is not so sure about this. Loki is pretty into it. Pictures below. She is very mobile, and we…

  • Five Months and updates

    Lillian turned five months old last Sunday! How crazy is that? It is crazy. She’s outgrowing clothes and keeping her parents on their toes (and shoving her fingers up her nose). Yes, parenthood brings on spontaneous rhyming. Lillian is a great sitter these days, with very few faceplants. She can stand with just a little…

  • How I started getting more sleep

    4 minutes



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    Things change so freaking quickly when you have a baby. The baby changes weekly or daily, and you have no time to look back and think about everything you’ve learned and adjusted to and integrated because you’re scrambling to figure out what the hell you’re doing with the baby you have today. The Lillian of…

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